Belarus city Minsk Belarus city Minsk

Minor Belarusian Emigrant Church Declares Lukashenka 'Anathema'

Archbishop Sviataslau, the metropolitan of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, pictured in 2016 The head of an unrecognized, Brooklyn-based church with its 20th-century roots in Minsk Orthodoxy has declared Belarus's embattled Alyaksandr Lukashenka anathema for his abuses against «the pious Belarusian people.» The metropolitan of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (BAOC), Archbishop Sviataslau (Lohin), announced the symbolic declaration against the longtime Belarusian leader at a service at St.

Cyril of Turau Cathedral in Toronto on November 22. The BAOC is a minor, independent jurisdiction that mostly serves small numbers of emigres and their families and is not recognized in the Eastern Orthodox tradition.