Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus Aviat Ryanair ADR Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus

Lukashenko comments on ICAO report into Ryanair incident

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the ICAO fact-finding report into the event involving Ryanair flight in Belarus airspace as he spoke to the media on 21 January, BelTA has learned. According to the head of state, the ICAO admitted that there was no interception, forced landing or rerouting of Ryanair aircraft by Belarus.

The president called the ICAO investigators heroic people: “They deserve some praise. Despite all the pressure (this is a UN organization and you know that we are on our own there) they had to admit that Lukashenko did not open fire at the aircraft, did not scramble a MiG fighter jet to force it to land.