Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus state Indiana Afghanistan ups Aleksandr Lukashenko Belarus state Indiana Afghanistan

Lukashenko: Too many wish to explode the situation in post Soviet states

There are too many who wish to explode the situation in the post-Soviet countries, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a special session of the CSTO Collective Security Council on 10 January, BelTA has learned. “There are too many of those wishing to blow up the situation around the people and the state of Kazakhstan, the central Asian post-Soviet states.

Afghanistan joined this not long ago,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko. The president stressed that, as events have shown, a lot of international terrorists have gathered on the borders of Kazakhstan. “In order to overcome these negative trends in our post-Soviet states, in this case in Kazakhstan, it is impossible to solve this problem only within the framework of Kazakhstan.