Ukraine vodafone федоров Ukraine

Vodafone инвестирует 10 миллиардов в развитие технологий

Vodafone Ukraine plans to invest UAH 10 billion in the country’s technological and digital infrastructure in 2024-2025. The intentions to consolidate efforts to develop electronic communications and broadband Internet access services are set out in a memorandum signed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Information Technology and Vodafone Ukraine.

Cooperation between the state and business The parties will develop solutions for: expanding mobile coverage and broadband mobile Internet to the population; restoration of the electronic communications infrastructure destroyed as a result of hostilities; ensuring the functioning of electronic communications during wartime and after its termination. “Cooperation with representatives of the regulator and business is an important step that will allow us to join forces to restore and develop electronic communications.