Belarus city Minsk Belarus city Minsk

Minsk Court Upholds Extension Of Belarusian Opposition Figure Kalesnikava's Pretrial Detention

Maryya Kalesnikava (file photo) A court in Minsk has upheld an extension of the pretrial detention of Belarusian opposition figure Maryya Kalesnikava, who faces national-security charges after she urged people to protest against a disputed presidential election. «Maryya Kalesnikava's defense appealed the extension of her stay at a detention facility with the Minsk City Court on January 21.

The legal arguments were turned down. Maryya will remain at the detention facility until March 8,» would-be Belarusian presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka said in a statement on January 22, quoting Kalesnikava's lawyer Lyudmila Kazak.