Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай USA Belarus Eu Covid-19 Enterprise Provident Aleksandr Lukashenko Китай USA Belarus Eu

Lukashenko: BNBC is a result of the right policy amid the pandemic

The launch of production at the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation (BNBC) became possible thanks to the right policy of the authorities during the pandemic, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during his visit to the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation in Pukhovichi District on 4 November, BelTA has learned. As BNBC Director General Daniil Uritsky reported to the head of state, the construction began in 2019, and despite the coronavirus pandemic, China's funding kept coming because Belarus did not impose any large-scale restrictions and did not close its borders. “CITIC had only one project under construction in the world at that time — in Belarus.

All its other projects were suspended,” he said. Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that COVID-19 was at the basis of all economic problems in the world.