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9 сентября 2024 года Microsoft представила релиз TypeScript 5.6 с новыми синтаксическими проверками nullish/truthy, вспомогательными методами итератора и проверками строгости, проверкой с приоритетом региона в редакторах и гибким поведением --build.
Разработчик Frank Fiegel (Фрэнк Фигель) рассказал в блоге компании Glama о своём опыте использования GPT для деминификации чужого кода. Модель машинного обучения справилась с поставленной задачей и переписала минифицированный код на TypeScript.

Все новости, где упоминается Provident

14.06 / 21:08
Provident Grodno dentistry: a tooth under a microscope, with a composer and in a 3D model. We tell about the dental service of the region
Perhaps there is no adult who has not been to the dentist at least once in his life. As a rule, such a trip does not tolerate long delays, and therefore it is so important to get dental care, as they say, in the right place and at the right time. Residents of Grodno region have the opportunity to receive it both in state organizations and in private departments and offices. The advantage of state dentistry is that, providing all types of dental care, it is ready to help a person for free or at an affordable price.
14.06 / 12:57
Provident Parke Presidential decree on development of China-Belarus industrial park signed
On 11 June Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed decree No.215, which improves the regulatory framework in order to improve the investment climate in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone, BelTA has learned. The decree gives the park's administration more independence by means of transferring additional functions from municipal authorities with regard to the implementation of administrative procedures.
11.06 / 17:36
бизнес Provident Облака: что это, для кого и как мигрировать? Бизнес-завтрак "ДП"
#CloudMTS Место проведения: отель "Введенский", г.
08.06 / 21:40
Provident Oleg Bakhmatyuk: The government should subsidise small-sized and home farms only
The owner of Ukrlandfarming discusses this in an interview to Dmitry Gordon. UNIAN reports.
08.06 / 13:32
Manufacturing Provident Parke China-Belarus industrial park to offer special treatment to big investors
The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone will offer special terms of doing business to key investors, Aleksandr Yaroshenko, Head of the Administration of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone, told reporters, BelTA has learned. A new draft presidential decree is going to provide additional preferences to projects with investments of at least $50 million. Among them are preferential prices for land plots, easier customs administration procedures.
07.06 / 13:35
Provident Belarus propagandists to change appearance at state's expense
Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed the law on state protection. The Parliament approved it in April. The former Law «On State Protection of Judges, Law enforcement and supervisory (monitoring) off
01.06 / 22:57
visa Provident Rainer von Holst on the run with investors’ Karatbars V999 Gold
As we have currently been informed from money investors’ circles, the internationally wanted professional criminal, Rainer von Holst (aka Jan Faber, aka Dr. Peter Klein), born 01 May 1955, who has been illegally residing in the United States of America (USA) since 19 August 2018, is said to be on the run with an expired visa number: K6260583 and German passport number: C7X5JX2M3, with the investors’ gold of the alleged gold-backed V999 Coin. Pursuant to section U.S.C. § 1326 (8 U.S.C. § 1101 (a) 13, A) illegal residence in the United States of America (USA) is a felony and is punishable in the USA by a minimum of two years imprisonment.
01.06 / 13:27
общество BitMEX Provident BitMEX и Human Rights Foundation выделили $150 000 биткоин-разработчику
Все материалы на данном сайте взяты из открытых источников — имеют обратную ссылку на материал в интернете или присланы посетителями сайта и предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Права на материалы принадлежат их владельцам. Администрация не несет ответственности за содержание материалов предоставленных партнерами. Если Вы обнаружили на нашем сайте материалы, которые нарушают авторские права, принадлежащие Вам, Вашей компании или организации, пожалуйста, сообщите нам.
31.05 / 13:28
Provident Ryanair ADR Russia Ready To Send $500 Million Loan Tranche To Belarusian Government
Belarusian strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka was in the Russian Black Sea resort city of Sochi for a second day of meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The talks on May 29 were described as informal by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who said the day before that the summit would last just one day.
31.05 / 13:08
ups Enterprise Provident EU Earmarking Billions In Aid For Belarus, Once Democracy Takes Root
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has promised to speed up work on the proposal.
22.05 / 15:01
общество политика Provident Порносайт, ссылка на который была в учебнике, заблокировали
Порносайт, ссылка на который оказалась размещенной в учебнике украинского языка для 10 класса, заблокировали. Об этом на своей странице в Фейсбуке написал автор учебника – лингвист и литературовед
17.05 / 13:17
ups Provident Lukashenko: Farmers should have easy access to markets
It is necessary to fix the way food markets operate and to ensure access to them for farmers, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he toured a farmers' market near Minsk on 14 May, BelTA has learned. Earlier, the president had given an instruction to build a farmers' market where anyone could sell products of their own make. Now the president wanted to know how his instruction was fulfilled. “I wanted
17.05 / 12:43
Covid-19 Provident +1,363 Patients In 24 Hours. Healthcare Ministry Publishes New COVID-19 Figures
In total, since the beginning of the pandemic, 374, 714 people have been registered in Belarus with a positive test for COVID-19 and 365, 255 patients recovered. Over the entire period, 2,691 with diagnosed coronavirus infection died, ten people have died in the last 24 hours.
06.05 / 11:49
Telegram Covid-19 Provident Lukashenko Reproaches EU And US For Not Helping Belarus Fight COVID-19
“These Europeans and Americans are sleazy people. They have done anything to help us.
05.05 / 11:28
Telegram Provident Russian Oil Supplies To Belarus In May Will Decrease 2.2 Times
Pipeline deliveries of oil from Russia to Belarus in May are planned at 608,000 tons, the official representative of “Transneft” Igor Demin told TASS. In April, 1,325 million tons were supplied to the refineries in Mozyr and Novopolotsk. The press service of the Russian pipeline monopoly did not specify the May breakdown of supplies to each of the Belarusian oil refineries. According to the telegram channel neftegram, there are plans to deliver 560,000 tons to the Mozyr refinery, and 50,000 tons to Naftan. On 27 April,
04.05 / 13:26
ups Provident “They Said I Wore Wrong Clothes.” Woman Fined $900 For White Socks With Red Stripe
“They said that my socks were of the wrong colour,” says Natalya from Minsk about the reason for her arrest on 25 March. That day the woman went to a driving school, she was wearing white socks with a red stripe. For this, the court fined her BYN 2,320 [$903/ €749]. By the way, these socks are no longer on sale, TUT.BY readers report. Natalya Sivtsova-Sedushkina lives near the Oktyabr cinema in Minsk. On Wednesday, 24 March, the police came to
04.05 / 12:57
Covid-19 Provident Lukashenko: So-Called Dictatorship And Order Proved Its Efficiency In Agro-Industry
The so-called dictatorship and order have shown their effectiveness in the agro-industy, Alexander Lukashenko believes. On 29 April, a meeting on the current situation in the country’s agro-industry is being held at the Palace of Independence in Minsk. Lukashenko said that last year became a real test for the system of world economic relations: borders were closed, long-term trade ties were destroyed, and states and economic unions refused to fulfil their obligations of mutual support.
04.05 / 12:50
ups Cooper Provident Belarusian Opposition Leader Tsikhanouskaya's Memories Of Ireland, As A 'Child Of Chernobyl'
In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986, parents in the hard-hit regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and western Russia were desperate to get their children out of the irradiated zone, if only for a few weeks. Ultimately, tens of thousands would spend summer vacations in the West, including Ireland, where a local longtime nuclear disarmament activist was at the vanguard of efforts to help the children of Chernobyl, as they came to be called. One of those who spent time in Ireland was 14-year-old Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya.
30.04 / 19:58
ups Provident Instability in the Mexican financial sector: is panic justified or is it time to buy?
Source: BloombergIn the case of Alpha Credit, whose notes maturing in 2025 fell to a pre-default level of 22%, it is very difficult to draw firm conclusions .